Saturday, July 24, 2010


Stage 1 - The Getting the Tires Rotated Stage

DH has been after me to be a responsible car owner and "go get the tires rotated".  Why I asked, they rotate everytime I drive :)  But, today like a good little car tire owner I got that over with.

So there it is.....I guess I should wash it occasionally too huh?

Anyway, there should be rewards for being responsible you know, and so it was that when dinner time came I had been so busy being responsible and all that I had no time for grocery shopping so we went out to eat (big surprise right?)

Stage 2 - The Reward Stage

This is where we ended up and man was it good!

It's a very nice, sort of romantic place, dimly lit and the service is outstanding.  

There is also a pretty nice piano bar, but we didn't go in there because it is definitely a meeting place, read that "Meat Market", in there.  But apparently there is a lot of meat to go around, ha!

I had steak and lobster and a nice little potato

DH had Copper River Salmon and Sweet Potato

And then just because we are such nice customers the manager had dessert sent over to us without our even asking.  Not bad :)

It was a very nice dinner and just as fattening as last night's.  Funny just this afternoon I was telling the hubby that I needed new pants.  This must be why :)  

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